As if you know what you’re doing

I have spent most of my evening jumping around different systems on my ex-RvB alt, trying to get all of its assets in the same spot. Let’s just say that it’s taken me quite some time and I’m even close to being finished.
I don’t like a mess in my assets window, on most of my accounts they are spread in about 4 or 5 systems. On that one alt, the assets are spread in 16 systems. Hence the clean up.

I’ve been able to just trash some things, Noob ships that were docked somewhere because I once went into the station without a pod.. Ores that were so low in number that using my time to bother with them would actually make me lose ISK.

Most of the spread right now is between Jita and one of its previous bases of operations near Amarr, seeing that this character used to run L4’s, in a time that I can no longer remember.

While “playing” I was checking EvEMon a bit and I couldn’t help but notice that I don’t have any skill plans, for any of my characters. I create one, and then I just ignore it and just wing it, deciding on the fly what to update the queue with.

I really should stop doing this, not only is it inefficient, it’s also not really helping me into knowing what my characters can and can’t do.

As the readers of my blog know, I flew a Dominix a while back. Which is a great example of me not knowing what I can do. Because when I was first asked if I could, I said no, until I was linked the fit and I noticed that I can actually use sentries, and that I can get into a Dominix. Now, that second part is just plain stupidity on my end because I fly a Machariel and have Gallente Battleship on V so I should have actually known better, but that’s beside the point.

The point is that I have absolutely no idea what to do with my two combat characters and my industrial character. I don’t know what to train and I just pick skills at random that look good. 
Or I start working on the mastery and then just stop doing it altogether because I noticed another one that I liked better.

I didn’t actually resolve to do anything special this year. But if I’m going to, maybe I should just start with making a skill queue and decide on a path to take.

Stay tuned o7

Sleepers don’t actually sleep.. Who knew

Last Thursday was the first time in my entire EvE career that I did two new things. The first one was flying a Dominix with sentry drones, and the second one was using said Dominix in order to do sleeper sites in a C4 along with a few corporation mates.

I had fun doing it, although it did require some of that patience you need as a wormhole dweller. Not only did I have to make 24jumps out of high to our wormhole entry point, all of this in a Dominix. When I got there I had to wait a bit longer because we needed to collapse the high sec entrance, and then find a good, unoccupied C4 to play in.

After three or four collapses we found one with 3 offline towers and decided this would be a good time to go do a few sites. It was about 00:00 here so I was starting to get a bit tired, but I really wanted to see how they worked.
Ok, let’s do this

My job was pretty easy, seeing as I was in a sentry drone boat, and the rookie of the bunch, all I had to do was launch my drones, put on my hardeners, and have my drones assist one of the others. Which gave me plenty of time to look around. Or at least it would have given me plenty of time if we didn’t go through them so fast. I was amazed at the speed we were doing them. 

What do you mean my friends are gone

The veteran among us was too, this was the first time he had taken anything different than ravens along and our 8 sentries + 1 raven were shooting down the resident sleepers quite fast. I think we clocked down on about 10 minutes per site. So that was pretty good.

I stayed for about an hour longer, providing over watch for the Noctis as he went about salvaging our loot and after that I jumped back to our own little wormhole, jumped into the POS and logged out, because I was dead tired and I had to go to work in the morning.

When I logged back in yesterday, I decided to set up a few extraction planets. Seeing that I have the skills trained up to level 3, but never actually used them on this character. I checked the planets and decided to just put up 3 lava extraction ones, making it easier to just extract and make 1 kind of material instead of multiple, seeing that I tend to be bad at logistics.

I had forgotten how easy it is to put up extraction jobs and let them run. This is a nice way to make some passive ISK, and it will make sure that I have to visit the wormhole from time to time.

Let’s just hope that I don’t get blown up when visiting a custom office in an Epithal

Stay tuned o7