
Another day, another stupid thing to do.

I lost an Orthrus yesterday. One that I should not have lost.

The day started well. My friend took some bait and they dropped a carrier on him. At which point I warped in my orthrus to try and kill the gnosis that was there while pointing the carrier. And he counter dropped it with his.
He lost a Stratios, I didn’t kill the Gnosis. And we also had to run away like little bitches from their carrier because I thought I was not using my Bhaalgorn toon but turns out he was the one in the Orthrus.

Woops. At least we avenged the death of the Stratios.

After that I fucked around a bit with fittings while keeping one eye on local. There was a fight going on. I said “Hey let’s undock our Orthrus’ and go blap a few from afar” he said sure. And we undocked.
At that point a Stork came to our citadel. Here I am, trying to watch 3 screens at the same timen going for it. Bad idea. Very bad idea.

An Orthrus was lost in this engagement. But hey, it’s my own fault, I’m rusty, it’s been a while since I had to kite.

So what do we do after losing one Orthrus? Go back and buy two more of course.

So I fill up my DST with some ships, about 1.4bill worth of ships in total. And start my small journey back.
My friend was scouting, when I hit lowsec he told me the gang of 20 was jumping to the gate I was just about to go through so told me to wait on high-sec side. What did I do? … Jump in of course because why not.

There I am, sitting with gate cloak and about 20 people around the gate. Luckily his tengu uncloaked so they were distracted. At which point I did the cloak warp trick to the next gate, and again and again.
I made it home safely, but damned if I didn’t almost lose another bunch of ISK right there.

Like I said, I’m doing stupid things in Low. But at least I’m having fun.

And in slightly other news. The guys we annoyed, reinforced our citadel.

Stay tuned o7

Happy New Year and all that!

First of all, I’d like to wish you all a happy new year and that hopefully it will be a good one.

Normally people do resolutions, I decided to skip those this year, I don’t hold myself to it anyhow. I might go back and see if I can find the ones I made last year though, see if I actually did anything that was on that list.

I’ve spent the last few days eating way too much food. Christmas party, Christmas leftovers, some more Christmas stuff at family, New Year’s dinner, after the fireworks some more food etc. etc.

Safe to say that I ate way too much, in too short a span.

But! This is a blog about gaming, and mostly about EvE since I’ve been playing more and more of it the past few weeks.

I joined a Null sec corporation two weeks ago and have been slowly learning my way around null, going on roam, getting to know them and trying to figure out things to do when not on a roam.

The one thing I hate about null is the fact that every time I think about buying something, I can’t. Because there’s no market here, at all. Most people have the stuff they need in their hangars so the newcomers are a bit fucked from time to time. Which means that I need to use the corporation’s hauling service to get stuff from Jita to the home base. But unfortunately that still means I need to wait until someone does the hauling.

This made me think about maybe making a market there myself. It’s not impossible but without no knowledge of what other people might need, it could be a bit hard. I might just grab a whole bunch of the doctrines and put them on contract with a slight profit. Should get me some ISK at the very least. But I can’t do that with my combat alt, meaning I should get one of my traders over here etc. etc. We’ll see.

For some reason nobody here does PI. It confused me, since PI is such a great way to make passive income, or even supply your own things when you make T2’s. So I’m looking into it too. There’s still Interbus POCO’s around, they’re easy to destroy and claim.

Other than that, roams! And plenty of them. I’m finally having things to do, and as you can see, plenty of things I still need to work out. The New Year is off to a good start.


Stay tuned o7

Safety is relative

It’s been ages since I last got blown up. And never before did something like this happen to me. Today, I got blown up while moving a bunch of stuff to Jita in my manufacturing alt.

I usually fly with my Blockade Runner (Viator), this is because it’s faster than flying an Iteron and I have a cloak. A cloak that I normally turn on, but didn’t this time. It’s only 4 jumps though, so you think: what’s the worst that can happen.

Well today the worst that could happen is me flying around with about 500 T2’s in my cargo and having it shot out of the sky. According to the kill mail the total worth of this guy’s kill was about 700m, give or take a few.

No big deal in itself, but I just really, really liked my little Roadrunner. I made it myself. Now I need to go and make a second one. Although it still stings a bit, seeing as I had decided to use that bunch of items to be the last for a few weeks. Now I need to start on it again.

Lessons learnt, you’re never really safe when flying around. Most people know that, but when you haven’t had any kills or deaths for over 7 months, you get dulled into a sense of safety.

“Rest in pieces”

Time equals money

It’s been a busy week for me, and I’ve finally found some time to write things down again. I feel a bit guilty for not writing more blog posts, but c’est la vie. RL always comes before the EVE life.

Speaking of which, I still haven’t found what I want to do, mostly because of the fact that I haven’t been doing much the past couple of weeks. I spent a few hours making undocks in different stations, just because I needed to find something to do and I felt like making these makes my life a lot easier.

So I took a cloaky cheetah, went a few jumps in Low and spent a few hours making undocks. Which gets boring, very, very fast.
What do you mean, this can’t be done faster?

Industry wise I’ve been slacking. Not only have I stopped my invention, I have stopped manufacturing altogether. Not because I want to, but because of time restraints. I don’t have that many blueprints, but I have a whole bunch of BPC’s that I still need to invent. Problem with this is the fact that I haven’t actually gotten myself the data cores for this.
And every time I got to Jita I forget to take a bunch of them with me.
But! The good news is, because of the fact that I just wrote this down, I have put up a few buy orders for around 500 of each data core. So here’s hoping I can get back to that.

I’ve also put up a bunch of buy orders for the materials I use in manufacturing. This ranges from Tritanium to Guidance Systems to, whatever else I need and that I can remember without looking at my spreadsheets.
I’m not sure how much time I will be spending in the game this weekend, but I do know, or at least hope, that a few of those buy orders will get filled.

As for trading in general, well seeing that I haven’t logged on since last Sunday on my trader, let’s just say he’s doing nothing at all. I have just put up 1.2billion in buy orders with only 600m in ISK in his wallet. How I love Margin Trading *grins*.

If, and that’s a big one, they get filled, I can make at least 2billion on this. But that’s a big if. 0,01 ISKers are still the bane of my existence and I’ve had a few days where I just wanted to stop trading, seeing that I’m actually not that very good at it.

I’ve looked into inter-regional trading, but every time I look at those hundreds of possible items, I start to feel like it’s an impossible job for me to make money on it and I close it down again.

Maybe trading isn’t quite meant for me. We’ll see what this current batch says, if the station trading finally picks up, I might change my mind. It’s the weekend, so that means more sales and more buys.

Or at least.. It should

Stay tuned o7 

I like to move it, move it

Except, that I don’t, not really. I hate having to go after materials, ammo,.. Anything really, I hate flying from point A to point B with a cargo ship.
I trained my character to fly an Obelisk once, I forgot why, I think it had something to do with the fact that I thought it’d be a nice skill to have, and for some reason I liked the look of the Obelisk.

That was until I finally had one. I knew it was slow, but holy ****, calling it slow is an understatement. The align time, the warp speed,.. Everything about it is slow, and not only is it that, but if someone decides to gank your ass, well you’re royally screwed.

So all in all I flew the Obelisk about two times before selling it again. Same for the orca, but I still have that in my hangar, not only can I use it to safely move around ships if I needed to, seeing that it has a pretty good tank. I could also use it to boost a mining fleet, you know, if I ever felt like doing that. Or if I actually knew people who’d like me to do that.

I’m saying all of this, because I just want to let you, the reader, get into my mindset about transporting things. Which is why I absolutely love freighter services. I adore these people. Not only does their existance mean that I don’t have to move my own stuff around, it also means that I can spend the time I would have spent doing the freighting, on other, equally unimportant things.
Unimportant because I still haven’t figured out what to do, but I digress.

I’ve used Red Frog quite a bit the past couple of months, having them haul my fuel, my ores, other things I needed to get hauled. And I’m quite happy with the service they give, mostly because it seems that every time I put up a contract, it only takes 2 or 3 hours for it to be fulfilled, which is pretty good considering everything.

But next to Red Frog you also have PushX, so yesterday I decided to use them, they’re a bit cheaper than Red Frog, but also quite a great corporation that gets the job done. I even had a nice thank you mail from them. Something I never got from Red Frog, so that’s actually a nice extra.

Right now I do lean towards Red Frog a bit more seeing that they do it within hours and Push took about a day and a half, but still, that might be because of the amount of jumps they had to go through.

I’ll more than likely just use both of them, as long as I don’t have to do it myself, I’m a happy camper.
Hello, I’m Big Bertha

Stay tuned o7