To infinity, and slightly beyond

I didn’t get any kills last weekend. But I made up for that on Monday and Tuesday. Not by much, but still.

When I came back from work Monday I was told to immediately grab myself a cruiser and join the TeamSpeak. I had absolutely no idea what was going on, seeing that I don’t actually read my evemails when I’m at work, despite being able to do so. 
Once I was told that we were going to go on a cruiser roam I jump cloned to an empty clone and bought myself a Rupture. 15 jumps later I was in our starting system and waiting for the roam to begin.
Bearing in mind that I have absolutely no idea what I was doing, I just followed orders, warping and alligning when I was told to do so.
We went through Minmatar FW space, but every time we jumped into a system, the people in local warned other people and not long after that we’d be all alone. It’s a shame, we were just looking for fights but the fights ran away from us.
Reps are up!

We were “lucky” in one system, our only frigate along with the roam was slacking a bit and warped later than the rest of us from the stargate to an outpost. Funny enough, he saw a Stabber Fleet Issue uncloak and line up to his warp spot. Knowing what was incoming we just lay in wait, ready to point the Stabber. I had top damage but didn’t get the kill, that was for one of the other’s drones. No biggy, I now had a positive number on my killboard. Yay.
After flying around a bit longer we came across a system with a Drake Navy Issue on D-scan, we found him in an outpost but he warped away. To a belt. Our FC, in his “panic” of catching that Drake, he warped us there too, at 0, thinking that the Drake was probably smarter than that we thought we wouldn’t be getting that Drake.
How wrong we were. After popping him we caught his pod and tried to ransom him. We didn’t ask much, it was a 4 month old character, and we figured that he’d be able to pay 25m. He told us that he didn’t have the money, and right when we decided we’d just let him go. Because in the end we are not bad guys. He self-destructed. I have no idea why he did that, but that was funny. Especially considering that he had a 100m pod. 
Both the Drake’s fit and his pod made me wonder what he was doing there. But I just figure that he was one of those guys that buys PLEX, sells it for ISK and then flies something he shouldn’t be flying in.
It was either stupidity or not caring about it. Either way, my killboard is now positive. Yay me.
Yesterday we decided to do the same as before, but this time in Battlecruisers and Gallente FW space. Unfortunately we didn’t actually find much, we did get the drop on an Atron, the poor guy must have shat his pants because he didn’t do anything, didn’t even move. (yes I know, he was AFK, but looking at him like a deer on the road, looking at headlights coming towards it is much better).
The race is on!

I enjoyed myself during the roams, and not because I actually like PvP. No it was all because of the teamspeak, talking to the others and making jokes. I think that’s the only thing that kept me interested in the roam. Otherwise I would have stopped much faster. 
I learned that if I ever were to go out and PvP, that I really need to learn how to use D-scan, and fast.
Stay tuned o7 

Big Succes .. Sort off?

Today was one of those days where I logged in and actually did something different than just sitting in station, looking at my orders and spinning my ships.

I logged in, and did what I’ve been telling myself to do for a while. Go out on a roam. 

Few corporation members were going to go on a BC roam so I decided to join them in a Hurricane I had lying about. Seeing that I am no PvPer at all I had to ask them for a fit for it, once that was done, and after adding a remote repairer I was ready.

It’s been ages since I had to use TeamSpeak so of course that had to update but once I was on it all went fine, my new headset works, everything’s great and I can follow the FC’s commands.
“No! I want to be on top!”

We jumped around a bit, failed to find anything and then came into a system where I saw a Venture on D-scan. As the veterans out there will point out, we did something extremely stupid next.

We split up, and went in search of the Venture, everyone going to a different belt. One of us the top one, other bottom, well you get the picture.

Some might have seen this coming from miles away, I certainly didn’t, and it seemed the rest of the fleet didn’t either. The venture was a trap. Not long after I had warped towards one of the belts I heard the venture was in the top belt and he got pointed. About 1 minute after I heard: “Oh, guys, I think this was a trap” and the fc telling us to quickly jump to top belt. There were about 11 of them waiting for us. Now, all in all we did pretty good, I repaired, I took a few shots, and then I jumped out back out at the command of the FC.

After which I kept thinking: “What do I do?! Am I supposed to go back in, what’s going on?”

Turns out the others got blown up and I was the only one still in my ship. Guess that was because I was late to the party and they didn’t point me as fast as they probably could have.

The roam was not what you would call a success except for the fact that I did go out in low sec in an “expensive” ship. That’s something isn’t it?

After that I went back to the so called market pvp and made a few 0.01 ISKers unhappy. But it’s making my own wallet grow bigger so that makes me happy.

Stay tuned o7

A good day to blow things up.

Yesterday was a fun day on EvE. Not only did I receive a few evemails about joining WH corps, I also tried out something new.

Let’s talk about that first. What did I do? Well in a spur of the moment I decided to try and get the last Interbus Custom Office in our system down. I was checking my planets and saw that most offices had already been shutdown except for one. So I asked people in the channel I chat in if they were up to it and after about 20 minutes of me going to Jita in 3 accounts and buying a few “glass cannons” we were ready to start.

Seeing that I didn’t actually know what to use to destroy the POCO and I thought that you might get a suspect flag (can you tell that I haven’t read up on this?) I decided on two hurricanes. Neither of them doing that much damage, one was at 750dps, the other 540dps. The lower DPS one wasn’t able to use T2 turrets so that was why it was a bit lower.
The third account is a newbie 1 month old one that was flying a drake with 150dps.

Suffice to say, what I had was not nearly enough to take it down. Luckily I have people who sort of like me enough to come and help me. 
Hey guys, when did we get shadows?

Seeing that we’re all noobs one way or the other, our DPS total was about 3-4k across 6 characters.

While we were shooting at the Office my Industrial character was slowly making her way to Jita in an Orca to buy a gantry and the necessary upgrade items.

When I got back to our home system we were at about 40% shield left. So I did what any person would do. I let my Orca drones fly out. That’s right, we have an orca on our Interbus kill mail!
I’d have laughed if the Orca had the final blow

It took awhile, but I’m pretty happy with the fact that our corporation is currently the proud owner of a POCO. I have no idea how long it will take but I like it because we did something new, and as a group. It was fun.
Yay, building things!

While all of this was going on I was looking at the wormhole mails I got and talking to one in particular. This guy turned out to be fun to talk to and I was planning on sending my application right after we were done with what we were doing.

Unfortunately, this person’s patience level wasn’t very high. Seeing that I was busy on 4 accounts at the same time I didn’t look at my main’s chat window a lot. After a few minutes he started to tell me that I should quit my corporation immediately and apply to his. I told him I was a bit busy and he kept telling me I should quit and that he’s waiting for my application.

Suffice to say that I reversed my earlier thoughts on him being a nice guy. Which means that I’m still looking out for a corporation to join. My forum post doesn’t seem to be too popular. I guess nobody wants someone with +30m SP but absolutely no idea what he’s doing. 

I will need myself a babysitter in W-space.

Stay tuned o7