Saying Goodbye

Goodbye my old friend, I have neglected you for too long. I should have done more with you, I should have used your special skill set of talents instead of just letting you wither away in darkness, watching as you trained harder, waiting for the day that I’d finally take you out to help you fulfill your destiny.

But alas, it was not meant to be, I didn’t have time for you, I told you things like; “Later, we’ll hang out later.” All one big lie, a lie I told myself too, because I thought that I would make time for you. But I never did.

I bet you’re wondering what this means, why am I writing this. Well it’s easy. I had to make a very hard decision earlier. I decided to let go of one of my accounts, sell one of my characters and transfer another one. So that I am now working with only two accounts instead of three.

The third account had two characters on it, my trader and another combat alt. One I was training as Caldari, I wanted him to be able to fly in a SNI and a Tengu. But after long consideration, I sold him.
“Isn’t she a thing of beauty”

He was supposed to be my go to PvP character. An alt I could log on to in order to have some fun. An extra when I went out missioning. But I never actually used him. The only times I logged on him was to update his queue. No more, he is in someone else’s hands now. And hopefully that person will use him for his intended purpose.
“Who wouldn’t want to fly you”

My trade character will join my Indy’s account. And I might train my industry alt so she can do some boosting. Seeing that when I’m out doing L4’s she’s not far behind, salvaging the wrecks.

After selling the alt, I started thinking about the Character Bazaar, and how much I like it, and I bet others do too. In no other MMO are you able to purchase characters with you ingame money, characters that are stronger, better than what you play with. If you’re not happy with your character, or you want another one in a certain field but don’t feel like training him/her since it will take too long, you just browse the bazaar for what you want and deposit some ISK for it.

One of my long term goals when I first started playing was that I wanted the ability to buy a character I wanted with the ISK I made.

But seeing that I trained him myself, I don’t need to do that anymore. And yet, I still have the option. If I want another high skilled industry character, I can buy him or her. If I want a trader with a few months of training, I can buy him or her too.

You just need the money for it. I love the “freedom” this gives you; don’t like your character? Just sell him.
Or if you had the problem like me, if you know that you won’t be playing him anymore, you can turn him over to someone else and make a nice amount of ISK from it too.

I probably sold him too cheap, I wanted a quick sales and I’m not known for my patience. But I just hope that the person who bought him, will use him. Unlike me

Goodbye old friend. We had a nice run.

Stay tuned o7

Not that good at writing things down

Trading has been put on a definite hold for now. Mostly due to the fact that prices seem to be dropping everywhere.
So I’m just going to build a small stockpile and then when prices rise again I’ll have a nice amount of profit.

At least, if they rise, but I’m sure they will, it’s the holidays, people just have more time to play right now.

I’m ashamed to say, that after playing EvE for so long I have finally found a use for the transactions tab in the wallet. I have never, in my whole life on EvE clicked it, until a few days ago. This little thing would have made everything so much easier if I had known it existed sooner.
As one of the people I talk with stated: “You’re a trader, you make a nice amount of ISK by trading, and you never used that tab? WHAT?!”

I know, shocker, it came as quite a shock to me too when I found out how much that can help when you’re trying to figure out how much you paid for something because you never write it down.

Speaking of never writing things down. I have made about 10 trips to Jita yesterday. That doesn’t seem like much, but I did it in 2 hours time, in an Iteron that could have done everything in one trip if I cared to remember everything I needed.
I didn’t take the bpcs along and I hadn’t written it down so everytime I came to Jita I remembered a maximum of 2 things I needed.. But not the amount I needed.

I’m not that good at this spreadsheet online game this week, can you tell?

As for the combat alt, he has finally gone out of the station! After a few weeks, it was about time! But I didn’t do any combat, I did scan a bit, even went through a few wormholes, enjoying the view. I did forget to make screen caps, but I’m going to point fingers at the fact that while I was playing yesterday, I was also watching a few online training videos for work related things.

Multitasking, yay!

I’m going to try and do more tonight, we’ll see this weekend if I actually succeed in this or if I fall asleep because I’ve been working my butt off.

Stay tuned o7

Industry and Guilt

The problem with manufacturing T2 is invention. You need to have invented blueprints in order to do something with your lines. And that’s where I’m slacking on. I got bored of all the invention, every few hours checking in on EVE to put new copies into the mobile laboratories. It’s something that quickly becomes a drag.
But now that I stopped doing that for the mo
ment, I feel guilty for not using the POS. Sure the others in the corporation are allowed to use it, but we’re pretty small (there’s three of us) and the other two don’t actually use the POS. They are quite clueless about how industry works.

Which I get, it’s not easy to get into and it definitely is not something you can do without the correct amount of SP.

So what am I doing now with all those open slots? ME research on several BPO’s I had lying about. They’re not actually worth anything but at least that way I’m actually using the slots and I don’t have to feel too guilty about it.

As for my other characters. Well I have had almost no time to past couple of weeks, other than updating market orders and taking my Cheetah out that one time I have done close to nothing worth of note. Which is a pity, because I joined that new corporation to have more stories but Real Life seems to be getting in the way of me actually creating them.

Why are we all just hanging here?

Market wise the game is doing good for me, although I have yet to make a lot of money out of it, my station trader is making a small profit, but a profit nonetheless.

Every time I read the people with market blogs and their billions of profit I want to know what their secret is. I even want to talk to them about it and give me hints. But the problem is, that the secret is more than likely spending a lot of time checking out the market and fluctuations of it. Look at items and how they move. 

Unfortunately, that’s time I do not have, and time I would probably spend by getting bored of it and closing the market altogether.

It’s a shame that people can’t give away their secrets on ISK making, but I get why. Without those secrets, there wouldn’t be any more ISK to make.
Stay tuned o7

I do it my way

When reading other people’s blogs, especially the industrial ones, I always come across the same kind of things. People calculating everything. From the amount of ISK they will make with the sale of one product, to the cost of the invention, everything gets written down and put into their spreadsheet and used to calculate their total monthly profit.

I, don’t do that. I know that EVE is called spreadsheet online for a reason, and I use spreadsheets, I use them a lot. But I just can’t bother putting every single step of the process in a sheet to see if the things I make actually have a nice profit margin or not. Wether its 5% or 500%, as long as I see my total amount of ISK rise, I’m a happy camper.

Now, is this the wrong or the right way to do it? It’s neither, it’s my way. It’s definately not the best way out there but it keeps me from having to manage every single step of the process and keeping it all written down. I probably make a bit of a loss on some items, but I probably make a nice amount of profit on others.

Note the use of probably there. I have absolutely no idea which one of my items makes me the most money. And that’s where I’m doing it wrong. But I just can’t bother to try and manage everything. I still have over 600 blueprints in my hangar that I need to invent. 600! That’s 600 updates to my laboratories, and everyone working with POSes know that this is not a nice way to spend your time.
What do you mean: “You have to do us one at a time”

I keep hoping on a POS update, but I doubt that it’ll come anytime soon.

The reason why I’m starting about this is because today I will be putting the last of the T2 blueprints that I have in stock in manufacturing lines. I put a small hiatus on invention because I started to hate doing it, I hated logging in to update the lines, invent some more. 

But unfortunately, I’m at that time again where I have to.

This time however! I will try and use decryptors, something I haven’t done before, and I think I will start writing things down more, see how much of a difference that gives me.
Not using decryptors gave me about a 55% chance of getting a T2 BPC, the use of them will (hopefully) up that chance a bit. We’ll see what happens.

I still love my POS, but sometimes, I wish this was all a lot easier, but then everyone would be doing it!

Stay tuned o7

In space, nobody hears you

When I log into the game I usually spend most of my time talking to the few friends I have on there. It’s usually the same 3 people.
When they’re not online, I tend to get bored easily. Which means that I should find an extra few channels to talk in. I sometimes spend time in the E-uni channel but there’s so many people on there that it’s a bit too unpersonal for me.

I like getting to know the people in the game with me. I’m social like that.

I flew my bomber for a few hours last night, didn’t find much to do, did come across a few gatecamps but I was smart enough to leave those alone, I’m not picking a fight when I am 100% sure I can’t win it. If I had a 1% chance of maybe hitting something, I might just get suicidal.

Industry wise everything’s going great, I stopped selling things to buy orders (yay me) and make a few million ISK more per produced good I sell, so I’m happy with that.

My RvB alt hasn’t seen much action the past few weeks. Another thing I should change soon. Unfortunately due to work I tend to come home quite late, so half the time I only log in the do something for half an hour before I crawl into my bed. Here’s hoping that I find more time in the weekends.

Stay tuned! O7

Time vs Reward

Everything in EvE is time related, you need time to earn ISK, time to get your skills higher, it takes time to do missions, scanning, whatever floats your boat.

And what do we get in return? A reward, wether it’s the ISK or finally being able to fly that sweet sweet battleship you’ve been pining for.

I started thinking about this when figuring out what to write, I had a nice little post ready for you all, stating the reasons why I haven’t actually written much the past week. And all of that, is due to time, or the lack of it.

Some people are on EvE for hours on end, but in the end they only spinned their ship while talking to their friends. Is that rewarding? Well I hope that they find it rewarding.
I hate not being able to log in as long as I want, since I started working again my free time has been dwindling down to only a few hours a week. Which is normal, you have to earn money.

But I feel guilty when I don’t spend enough time on EvE, seeing that it’s an MMO and I’m still not smart enough to have my accounts pay for themselves. Plural, I have four accounts, two of which are combat oriented, of which one is in RvB. And two that are industry oriented. One of those wasn’t even supposed to be subbed anymore since I was only training a character for 50 days on it but I forgot to get in npc corp on time so I just subbed him another month.

Back to the topic at hand though, the time I spend in EvE these days is far less rewarding for me than it should be. Which is due to the fact that my measurement of it being rewarding is way off.
When I see my wallet rise, I think of my time as being spent in a good way. And I’m sure that a lot of people think like that.

But I should stop thinking like that, I should go out and destroy other ships, let my wallet drop because I needed to buy more ships to destroy. Unfortunately, that’s something I can’t do. So I log in, update my lab queues, planets, etc. And I log back out because it’s time for me to get some sleep for the next day of work.
I can’t wait until I get to the point where I finally have to do as less as 1 hour a week to earn the big amounts of ISK. But unfortunately I don’t see that happening any time soon, partly because I suck at trading, and partly because of my lack of time to research things. And when I do get to research, I seem to suck at that too!

I did make 600m this month, so I guess that’s better than nothing at all.

Here’s to hoping.

Now here’s something for you to think about;
What does reward mean for you in the game vs the time you spent on it. And, as a bonus.
When you only have half an hour or an hour to spend, what do you do? What does it do to you that you can’t get the most out of the game?

Pew Pew

Stay tuned o7

A fine line

There’s a fine line between EvE being just a game, or it being close to a second job, and I think that I’m threading said line.

When trying to make ISK in the game, there are a multitude of ways to do so. You can mine rocks until you’re cross eyed and sell either the rocks or the processed goods. You can go out and do missions, earning bounties, salvage and loot. There’s null sec ratting (which is supposedly something that’ll make you earn quite a bit), exploration, industry, piracy, trading,…

There are so many ways of making ISK that it’s hard to pick one that you like, especially if you’re like me and haven’t even tried half of it yet.
But right now, my way of making isk is with industry, I create T2 items. Which means that I need bpc’s for them, which I get by copying T1 BPO’s and then put them in one of my invention slots at the POS.

There’s only a certain percentage chance that said bpc turns into a T2 bpc, without using decryptors and such I usually get around 55% chance of a T2. Which is pretty good, datacores aren’t too expensive and I have all the chips. I make a nice profit doing so.

However, I noticed that when I make things that only take a rough 10 hours to make, I start thinking of EvE as a job. I need to log in to do my invention once every hour, click and click and click because of the POS mechanics not allowing me to create batch jobs. And then I need to make sure that I have all the material to create said items.
It’s not that hard, but all the clicking can get to you.

A friend of mine told me that I should slow down a bit once the invention starts to feel as a second job, I would love to do that. But doing so would make it problematic for me. I really, really don’t like seeing my manufacturing/research job queues empty.
It’s something that makes me feel guilty, not using the full potential of a character. Already I put a few ME jobs up just because I didn’t want those empty slots just sitting there.

It’s time for me to start looking into other ways of making ISK though. Mission running is fun and all, but it gets boring too. You can only do so many level 4’s until you get cross eyed.

Maybe I should try my hand at trading. If only I knew what I was doing, that’d make things a lot easier for me.
If someone feels like mentoring me in the ways of trading, be my guest! Your help will be appreciated and you’ll get a virtual cookie out of it!

Stay tuned o7

Please restock..

I forgot how annoying it is when you don’t have the correct amount of materials in stock when manufacturing. A month ago I made sure that I had enough materials for my manufacturing runs for the next two months. That was before I decided to start doing it with an extra character.

So yesterday when I logged in on my alt account and wanted to create a few hundred T1 modules that I will later turn into T2, I was confused at the fact that I didn’t have enough materials.
This is why you should plan, and why you should have enough in stock. I have flown to Jita for different things, so many times, instead of just going there, buy everything I need, and then fly it back home.

I’m starting to learn though, yesterday I made sure that I have enough raw material to last.. Well I have no idea how long it will last. Despite me knowing that I shouldn’t, I still use my liquid ISK as a marker on how “space rich” I am. Which means that I don’t want to spend too much ISK on materials.

I did spend about 1b on fuel and 1b on materials. So I’m back down to 2b liquid ISK.

I’m kind of hoping that fuel will skyrocket with Rubicon and then I will sell a bit seeing that I’m going to start making my own. But we’ll see if that’s going to happen or not.


I found a few screenshots with explosions in it… I think I will go run some missions, if my girlfriend doesn’t come over at least. 

I’m probably doing it wrong

A post at made me think about the way I fit my ships. As a noob, I have no idea why some fits are good and others are bad. Most of my fits I either get from friends who can use EFT or out of BattleClinic.

This is probably a wrong way to approach this subject. While flying my Machariel I used T1 scout artillery, until someone told me that if I used T2 I’d have more DPS and will be ‘better’ at flying with it. Why? Well I have no clue but I just shrugged and started training for T2 artillery, I already had a bunch of it anyhow due to the fact that at the time I was manufacturing them.

After having it trained I did notice a change in my dps, but I didn’t quite get why. I’m exactly the same with fitting tank or rigs. I know that what I have is good (because I tend to not die) but I have no idea why it’s good for my fit.

Maybe it’s time to play around with EFT, time to look at other people’s fit and figure out why something is good or bad.

And time to train artillery specialization.

My RvB character is training into missile skills, I’m having a lot of fun with the Kestrel I fly, although I tend to lose more than I kill.