PvP is starting to grow on me

I started updating orders again, because I’m in need of ISK, and I’ve been too busy losing ships in null sec to get some PvE going. Thus I went to Jita, put up a few buy orders and hope for the best.

Of course, outside the buy orders I’m also doing a bit of PI. As I’ve said in a previous post, PI is a great way for passive income, I currently have a setup of 10 planets across 2 characters in the wormhole which should get me about 700m a month, updating it once a day, and hauling it every other week or so. Which is a nice amount for minimal effort.

Outside the need of ISK, I am starting to feel a need for kills. It was a bit slow the previous 3 days, we didn’t get many targets, but there were a few good ones in the past week. Which is fun, I’m starting to not hate losing ships. And that’s the whole point of all of this.

Today was a bit funny, our nullsec was close to a miner system, so we went there, saw a bunch of procurers on scan and went out to look for them.

We found a few, killed a few, and went out to the next system.

Now, killing a procurer isn’t that hard in PvP ships, finding them when you already killed a few of them, makes things a bit harder. What made it a fun roam was the fact that when we jumped back in the system, just to see if they would come back. We jumped to ore sites, large, enormous, and as soon as I landed, I noticed two of them on my d-scan, coming closer to me.

Not only, did they just wait a few minutes, they warped right on top of me. And my corps mate who warped to another belt, had the same thing happen to him.

We had that happen twice in the same few systems. Unfortunately they didn’t give us a fight. It’s not like we want to kill miners, we want fights. Good fights.

We were hoping that if we caught one and held it for a few minutes they might come and play. But unfortunately, that didn’t happen.

We did harvest a few tears though.



He obviously didn’t get that we wanted an actual fight. But some people don’t fight, and I get that. It had taken me years before I got into PvP.

I’m doing well, and enjoying my time in the wormhole and the corporation.

Stay tuned o7

So much to do, so little time

The wheels of my inner mind have been working overtime in the past few days on what I will be doing in EvE the coming weeks. Not because I’m bored and have nothing to do, no, it’s the exact opposite. I have no idea where to start this time.

Since joining the corporation I currently fly with I finally have things to do. I’m finally going out on roams, plan on new things etc etc.

I lost a ship the other day. The third one in a few weeks. And I don’t mind as much as I used to when losing something. Why? Because I’m having fun that’s why!

And that’s the whole point isn’t it, you’re supposed to have fun flying the ships you fly, instead of worrying about losing them. I’m starting to finally learn this lesson, it took me a while, and dozens of different corporations but I’m getting there.

Other than roams I’m having one of my alts train for jump freighters. The one thing I don’t like about the place I currently live in is the lack of a market. So I decided to finally put all of my liquid ISK to use and set up a market over there. Or at least try to.

I just need to figure out which items to stock. I think I’ll start with the corporation doctrines and work my way up from there. I already have a bunch of buy orders in place in Jita. Now I just need to figure out the logistics of the place.

I’ve also set up my PI in one of the systems and was lucky enough to recruit a few people into shooting down the Interbus POCO’s still left in the system. I honestly don’t get why these guys are not doing any PI over there, I found three Plasma planets within our little pipe. So I was confused when I saw the Interbus POCO’s still there. Oh well, I helped them set up new POCO’s, paid for them out of my own pocket and everything. In the long run it’ll be more interesting for me anyhow with a lower tax rate.

And last but not least, I took over a bunch of Moon mining POS’. I have no idea how it works and how much they’re going to make me, or cost me. But it’ll be an interesting little experiment. Although I’m 90% sure that I’ll be making a profit off them once the month is done. Unless someone decides to shoot them down that is.

All of this, happening because I finally decided to make friends instead of staying in my own little corporation. I’m glad I got out of my little bubble.

And I’m curious to what will come next.

Stay tuned o7


I’m getting there

Last week I finally joined a new corporation, and the past few days I’ve gotten more action than I did in the past few months.

I’ve gone on roams, I made a jita shopping list, even tried out ships I had never flown before.

I’ve been on two roams now in a Svipul and I enjoy the ship. I love the fact that it changes it’s look if you go in a different mode and it’s quite fun. Not only that, I haven’t lost one yet! Hooray

Svipul Roam

I did lose a claw a few days ago but that was my own fault. Silly me trying to be hero tackle. That obviously failed because I also failed to land on any other kill mail at the time.

The one thing I still need to get used to is that unlike when I was in High Sec, I can’t just open the market browser and buy whatever I need. I can’t, because the current market is non-existent. The corporation I joined does have a service from Jita to their home so that’s nice. Means I just need to make more shopping lists and figure out what I need and when I’ll be needing it.

Although it did got me thinking of maybe, just maybe setting up shop over there too. I’ll be looking into that once I’m used to it some more.

Unfortunately my ISK making ways have dried out a bit. My production lines are currently not doing anything because the profit I was making per day wasn’t enough anymore. 20million a day vs 100+ half a year ago. It’s a shame, it was easy ISK, and now I have no idea what to do to make more of it.

I’m trying my hand at station trading in Jita and Amarr a bit and I’m making ISK with it, but also only a few million per time, my production used to net me more. So I’ll have to figure out something new. Maybe in Null, maybe somewhere else.

I’m still thinking of w-space, and I’m looking around, I still have another combat character that I’m training to get into a wormhole, so maybe I can have her join a wormhole crew. If they’ll have me.

We’ll see

Stay tuned o7

Logistics be damned

My manufacturing is going pretty well. So well in fact that while I stock up for a few weeks, I usually only last a week at most. This due to the fact that I can actually update my jobs at work, which means that my lines are currently spewing out T2 products two times a day.

This is positive for my wallet too. Especially when things like last weekend happen and one of the modules I tend to sell a lot suddenly went up in price and I was able to sell a few hundred of them for a million more than I usually sell them.

The station trading I was experimenting with however, has slown down once more. I made about 100million trading datacores but I tend to use a lot of them for my invention runs too, so I decided to stop trading them for a profit and just brought all the ones I had left to my home system so I can use them when the time comes and I ran out of the T2 BPC’s I have now.

I’m just glad that public courier contracts are a thing. Without these I would have given up on my manufacturing and invention ages ago. All I need to do is buy all the products I need in jita, then set up a contract for little under a million per jump et voila.. A few hours later I usually have the products where I need them to be on my manufacturing station, ready to be put in the corporation’s containers.

I still need to learn to just buy enough to last me a month or so. I still need to learn that that wallet is not doing anything with all the ISK in it. I should use it for things instead of just letting it sit there.

It’s the same as with putting your real money in a bank, it’s just sitting there, interest is almost non-existant, you might as well use it to buy stuff.

Stay tuned o7

Safety is relative

It’s been ages since I last got blown up. And never before did something like this happen to me. Today, I got blown up while moving a bunch of stuff to Jita in my manufacturing alt.

I usually fly with my Blockade Runner (Viator), this is because it’s faster than flying an Iteron and I have a cloak. A cloak that I normally turn on, but didn’t this time. It’s only 4 jumps though, so you think: what’s the worst that can happen.

Well today the worst that could happen is me flying around with about 500 T2’s in my cargo and having it shot out of the sky. According to the kill mail the total worth of this guy’s kill was about 700m, give or take a few.

No big deal in itself, but I just really, really liked my little Roadrunner. I made it myself. Now I need to go and make a second one. Although it still stings a bit, seeing as I had decided to use that bunch of items to be the last for a few weeks. Now I need to start on it again.

Lessons learnt, you’re never really safe when flying around. Most people know that, but when you haven’t had any kills or deaths for over 7 months, you get dulled into a sense of safety.

“Rest in pieces”

I smell something burning

Turns out Jita is burning this weekend. I had read something about it happening but I had forgotten about it. Good thing I fly a Blockade Runner. I turned back right on time, otherwise I might have lost my runner and about 600m in cargo. It’s not much but it’s something.

“What do you mean, I’m going to die there?”

The one thing that’s problematic due to Jita burn is the fact that I don’t have any materials right now for my manufacturing. As most of you know that read my blog (those two or three people) I still don’t plan too much ahead and thus tend to restock about once or twice a week. 

But at least I can still do my invention, so that’s something. I was running out of T2 bpc’s anyhow…

“Or at least, the ones I want to make” 

I was going to add that it was the price of a PLEX but we’re past that already. They just keep on going up. Not that I mind, I have a bunch of PLEX locked away just for that, a few to sell, a few to use myself.

I haven’t been able to log in as much as I would have liked, but this time I didn’t mind that much. A few days ago when I had a few hours to spare I logged in on my industrial alt and I noticed that she finally finished the queue I put up a few weeks ago. She’s finally able to fly an Ishtar.

Flying an Ishtar has been on my to-do list for ages but I never got there because of other skills. What with me not knowing what industrial skills to put in the queue, I figured that trying out L4’s with an Ishtar could be fun and a bit more of a challenge than taking out the Machariel on E’dyn. (Although the Machariel has been parked for a few months now)

As you can imagine, the skills of my industrial alt are not that great, put I made a fit that might just work. Although I have yet to test it. I’ll have to breeze through a few L2’s and L3’s with it but I’m sure I’ll get there in a few weeks, and who knows, by then I’ll have a full T2 fit.

One of the things I did do, with the idea of flying an Ishtar, is making most of it myself. I’m an inventor, so I made a few copies of my Vexor BPO and started a few invention runs on them. I made about 5 Isthar BPC’s and one of those has now been made into one. 

I’m proud of myself for doing this. I’m actually going to be flying something I made myself. I haven’t done that since I made a newbie ship back in the tutorial!

Now all I need, is a bit of time so I can actually do what I’m saying here.

State of play

It’s been a few days since I last logged in. Work, real life and so on making it problematic to find time to do so.

Which of course, meant that in the past week and a half, my characters have been idling, not producing anything, not doing any trading, and not doing any missions.

Logging in today I planned on changing that, so I logged onto my combat alt. I check my mails, find out we’re in a war and curse, seeing as he’s hanging around in Jita and can’t actually do much other than spin. Oh well, on to the next account and character.

I decided a while ago, that I really suck at trading, and that I don’t really like spending too much time on doing it. So I logged onto the trader, checked his buy orders, noticed how much lower everyone else’s sell orders are suddenly at, and logged out. Sooner or later the prices will go up again, and I don’t feel like selling at such a low price, despite still making a slight profit. 

Seeing as I don’t feel like using the trader much, I’m not actually losing any money on not trading yet, it’s all part of my so called plan.

After the trader, comes the industry alt and my POS. I’m lucky enough to have a few people who I can count on. Because otherwise my POS would have ran out of fuel last week. I wasn’t able to log on due to constant disconnects so asked a friend on steam if he could refuel our POS. Which he did, and I paid him back the fuel, yay. As for the use of the POS. I noticed a few copy runs being completed, and am happily inventing again.
Enjoying the sights while going out on a shopping trip”

I might just try something new and buy a few billion worth of materials to do a bit of experimenting on T1 production. Past 8 or 9 months have been spent on T2, might as well change things a bit. Which would mean  not using the research slots for invention but for research, so there’s multiple positive sides in that.
My day will probably exist of going to Jita, buy what I need, going back to HQ, figure out I forgot a bunch, and so on.

Despite writing everything down, and going to Jita thinking; “Ok, I know I haven’t forgotten anything” I always do forget things.

I bet I’m not the only one getting frustrated when you get back to HQ noticing you’re missing a few million units of Tritanium.

Stay tuned o7

More or less than bargained for

We all know that I’m bad in logistics. So bad in fact, that when I decide to create a certain amount of T2 items, and I finally calculated everything I need. I still forget things. Despite the fact that I actually use said calculation, have it sitting right next to me when checking the market and making orders.

And yet every single time I forget something in my whole process. Last time I made about 1000 T1’s to build further into T2’s.. I thought I had everything, I had the materials, the product, everything except the one vital part that I didn’t think of at the time.

I had forgotten to turn on my invention process for the BPC’s… You can imagine the facepalm I made at that time.

Now we’re a while later and I’m happily chugging along in my manufacturing process, about 100 products get made every other day and I invent enough to keep the lines going.

It’s only one character, 10 research and 10 manufacturing jobs, but it keeps me very busy.
I can’t imagine what it would be like if I had multiple characters creating things. Can’t imagine what else I’d forget.
“Request for docking bay, I forgot a few things”

So tell me, what is the one thing you always forget? Are there times you go to a trade hub with something in mind, and then come back empty handed, or with more than you needed, but not actually the one thing you were there for?

Stay tuned o7

As if you know what you’re doing

I have spent most of my evening jumping around different systems on my ex-RvB alt, trying to get all of its assets in the same spot. Let’s just say that it’s taken me quite some time and I’m even close to being finished.
I don’t like a mess in my assets window, on most of my accounts they are spread in about 4 or 5 systems. On that one alt, the assets are spread in 16 systems. Hence the clean up.

I’ve been able to just trash some things, Noob ships that were docked somewhere because I once went into the station without a pod.. Ores that were so low in number that using my time to bother with them would actually make me lose ISK.

Most of the spread right now is between Jita and one of its previous bases of operations near Amarr, seeing that this character used to run L4’s, in a time that I can no longer remember.

While “playing” I was checking EvEMon a bit and I couldn’t help but notice that I don’t have any skill plans, for any of my characters. I create one, and then I just ignore it and just wing it, deciding on the fly what to update the queue with.

I really should stop doing this, not only is it inefficient, it’s also not really helping me into knowing what my characters can and can’t do.

As the readers of my blog know, I flew a Dominix a while back. Which is a great example of me not knowing what I can do. Because when I was first asked if I could, I said no, until I was linked the fit and I noticed that I can actually use sentries, and that I can get into a Dominix. Now, that second part is just plain stupidity on my end because I fly a Machariel and have Gallente Battleship on V so I should have actually known better, but that’s beside the point.

The point is that I have absolutely no idea what to do with my two combat characters and my industrial character. I don’t know what to train and I just pick skills at random that look good. 
Or I start working on the mastery and then just stop doing it altogether because I noticed another one that I liked better.

I didn’t actually resolve to do anything special this year. But if I’m going to, maybe I should just start with making a skill queue and decide on a path to take.

Stay tuned o7

A good day to blow things up.

Yesterday was a fun day on EvE. Not only did I receive a few evemails about joining WH corps, I also tried out something new.

Let’s talk about that first. What did I do? Well in a spur of the moment I decided to try and get the last Interbus Custom Office in our system down. I was checking my planets and saw that most offices had already been shutdown except for one. So I asked people in the channel I chat in if they were up to it and after about 20 minutes of me going to Jita in 3 accounts and buying a few “glass cannons” we were ready to start.

Seeing that I didn’t actually know what to use to destroy the POCO and I thought that you might get a suspect flag (can you tell that I haven’t read up on this?) I decided on two hurricanes. Neither of them doing that much damage, one was at 750dps, the other 540dps. The lower DPS one wasn’t able to use T2 turrets so that was why it was a bit lower.
The third account is a newbie 1 month old one that was flying a drake with 150dps.

Suffice to say, what I had was not nearly enough to take it down. Luckily I have people who sort of like me enough to come and help me. 
Hey guys, when did we get shadows?

Seeing that we’re all noobs one way or the other, our DPS total was about 3-4k across 6 characters.

While we were shooting at the Office my Industrial character was slowly making her way to Jita in an Orca to buy a gantry and the necessary upgrade items.

When I got back to our home system we were at about 40% shield left. So I did what any person would do. I let my Orca drones fly out. That’s right, we have an orca on our Interbus kill mail!
I’d have laughed if the Orca had the final blow

It took awhile, but I’m pretty happy with the fact that our corporation is currently the proud owner of a POCO. I have no idea how long it will take but I like it because we did something new, and as a group. It was fun.
Yay, building things!

While all of this was going on I was looking at the wormhole mails I got and talking to one in particular. This guy turned out to be fun to talk to and I was planning on sending my application right after we were done with what we were doing.

Unfortunately, this person’s patience level wasn’t very high. Seeing that I was busy on 4 accounts at the same time I didn’t look at my main’s chat window a lot. After a few minutes he started to tell me that I should quit my corporation immediately and apply to his. I told him I was a bit busy and he kept telling me I should quit and that he’s waiting for my application.

Suffice to say that I reversed my earlier thoughts on him being a nice guy. Which means that I’m still looking out for a corporation to join. My forum post doesn’t seem to be too popular. I guess nobody wants someone with +30m SP but absolutely no idea what he’s doing. 

I will need myself a babysitter in W-space.

Stay tuned o7