
Death by glorious explosions.. Or not?

A few weeks ago it was decided that on the second of September we would be doing a capital roam through null sec. The idea was to fly around until we get a fight.

So that day was yesterday and I’m a bit disappointed. Once more null sec did not deliver what I expected it would. This time I expected it to deliver a quick and sudden death. But unfortunately this was not the case.

We had a fleet of around 30 people. Of which 20ish were in subcaps, 3 cynos and 7 dreads.

We figured that if we went gate to gate, we’d have at least someone who would light a cyno on our ass and give us a fight. We were wrong, dead wrong.

We went to the TEST staging system, talked in local, showed our caps and all they did was tell us that we probably had PL waiting somewhere to jump in as soon as TEST fought.

A strange reasoning but ok. All in all the fleet was pretty boring. Where’s the fun in going out with capitals if everyone stays docked up.

Now, TEST did use Delve as an excuse, since supposedly they’re deployed there. I guess that’s possible, I wouldn’t know really, I don’t care for null sec politics and have no idea what goes on where. The joy/curse? Of living in wormhole space.

At least I got a few nice screenshots out of it. If I didn’t screw it up you should be able to see them in a gallery below.

I also started a third account again the other day. I want to fly a capital. My dream ship is a Nyxx but I can’t afford that. On second place capital wise I would put a Naglfar. Due to the fact that I am already training my main into so many things, I decided that it would probably be easier to have a new toon just for that.

And thus E’dynn was born. Basically number two. I will be training him towards Naglfar, and also as a rattlesnake pilot. This way when clearing sites in the C5 I will have 3 rattlers I can count on. Making the site clearing so much faster. It will take a bit of training, but I’ve got time. At least with this character I actually have a plan.

If there’s one thing I suck at it’s making skill plans and sticking to them. I’m currently training E’dyn for JDC V but I have no idea what I’ll do next with him. Feel free to drop me a few hints on what might be usefull 😉

Enjoy o7


Training queue fail

The problem with not having to check my training queue as often as I had to in the past. What with us being able to put training for up to 10 years in there. Is that you can forget about a few characters and their training.
I logged into my stealth bomber the other day and turns out she hasn’t been training anything for the past 5 days. Woe is me!
But this is a good lesson for me. I should update my queues again, make sure to get them a good training plan and stick with it.
My stealth bomber is currently grabbing mastery IV in stealth bombers and learning how to fly a Tengu. 
It’s not like I’m actually going to use a Tengu but it’s nice to have that option.
As for E’dyn, I’m not sure yet, he’s currently training his scanning skills because as you know from previous posts, I’m not that good at it. But I have no idea what to do with him next. 
Always wanted to fly a Nyx though, maybe I should work towards that.

Queue up

The problem about having multiple characters across multiple accounts is that after a while, you forget where you were going with them, and have no idea what to train.

I currently have 4 characters I use on a regular basis, two of them are for manufacturing and two are combat. One of which is in Thera in a stealth bomber just because, and she’s been training for mastery of them for months. My other, is me, or my avatar. I train around in multiple combat ships so that I can be of use anywhere.

My problem now is that I have no idea what I should train my indy character for. I’m interested in capital production but will probably never get there and other than that I just create the same things, over and over again, she’s been maxed in that kind of production and invention so right now I’m wondering “What’s next”.

The fact that I’m wondering about it also means that maybe I don’t need a third account, and I should just ship her over to the other account with the stealth bomber and my other manufacturer. It’ll probably save me a few bucks a month, it’ll just cost me plex. Something I dislike to spend. Or 20 bucks.

I have 10 hours left to decide.

And in other news, I found a new wormhole corporation, I talked to them a bit and decided that they seemed like a fun bunch, as of the day before yesterday E’dyn is floating around in a wormhole again.

I spent my first few hours in it exploring again, going through a few holes, and scanning down a few others. The reaction time of my new corps mates is amazing. I scanned down a LS hole and when I jumped through it there was an Omen on the other side, I told them and a few seconds after we had 5 people around the hole. Too bad the omen jumped off, it would have been pretty awesome to have a kill in my first few hours.

But I’m sure other opportunities will arise. There’s plenty of time for that.
I just need to start moving more ships inside

Stay tuned o7

Explosion due to stupidity once more

I lost another ship this weekend. This time it happened due to another person blowing me up, and my own stupidity. Well, just my lack of common sense and staying somewhere for a bit too long while not cloaked.

I’m planning on joining a friend’s corporation in a few days, said friend is setting up a WH corporation with a few other people he knows. Seeing as I have no idea how to scan down signatures, or even use d-scan, I decided to train myself a bit.

So I shipped up in a cheetah, set out to low sec and started to scan down the different sites and signatures in a system in order to train myself some more on the “how does this work” part of it all.

While doing so I found a relic site, and as it turned out, I had a relic analyzer in my Cheetah. So I decided to go and have a look, maybe even get lucky in “hacking” the site.

Not only do I know nothing about scanning, I also have no idea how hacking works… Zero clue whatsoever. So while I was staring at the screen wondering what all those things that I could click meant and why some would lock up after clicking five times, someone found me.

I suddenly saw a manticore pop up on my screen and immediately got locked and scrambled. One volley of torpedoes later and I was warping away in my capsule to the nearest gate.

I learned that I should pay more attention, and definately should not be trying out hacking if I have no idea what it’s all about. Using D-scan would probably not have helped in this case seeing as the manticore was cloaked, but still, it wasn’t even opened.

The person shooting me convoed me afterwards, thanking me for getting myself blown up, he had been in the system for a few days waiting for a kill to happen and told me that I was his first ever solo kill. He was even kind enough to offer me to pay for half of my loss.

I declined this of course, I have plenty of ISK and congratulated him on his first solo kill and patience. I would not be able to just wait for days until something happens.

After doing a few jumps, I got back to Jita and shipped up in a new cheetah. Ready to continue my training.

I need to be ready in a few days, need to be able to hold my own in W-space. Because if nobody’s there to get me an exit, I’ll have to do it myself.

Crius release, thoughts so far

Crius was released a few days ago, and I’m loving it. The industry revamp, especially how they upgraded working with a POS is just great.

I’m sure there are people out there that might complain about the fact that their precious BPO’s now need to be inside of the POS. But I, as an inventor and T2 manufacturer, can’t be happier.

I can start my invention runs with a click of a button from my home base instead of having to go to my POS and be within 2500m of the lab. Not only that, but I can do it even when I’m 15 jumps away. 

Next to this, it’s just one click to turn on one invention run. For those who worked invention or manufacturing jobs, they know that this was a pain in the ass.

In the past you needed to decide which line you would put the job on, after which you pressed a button, using said line. Once you clicked, you had to click again to grab the blueprint, click ok once more another ok, and only then you could start the job.

That’s 5 clicks for one job. You can imagine how much of a pain it was if you had about 20 or 30 invention lines running, each day.

Luckily, that’s now in the past, I can start one job with two clicks, one to decide the blueprint, one to start. It’s a lot faster than before, and I can all do it from station, so easier at that. I will happily take the cost of the installation for that.

“You mean, I need less materials? Sweet!”

The fact that I can even install jobs remotely from a dozen or more jumps away, means that I can use my trading alt too. Of whom I found out that he has the necessary skills to do my invention and manufacturing runs too. Guess it’s a good thing I checked my skills on him.

The only thing that was missing was the ability to install them remotely so I did the most obvious thing to do… I bought a PLEX from the market (through a sell order, shame on me!) and activated second character training.

My trader now has a month of training activated for him, which I will use to train him a bit further into retail and allow him to activate remote jobs.

I’m still figuring out the bonuses that my POS can have, and what it does (as far as I’m aware they’ll just reduce the installation cost) but for now, I’m really happy what Crius has offered me as an industrialist.

 Stay tuned o7

PvP, Bombing and then some

Sunday was a better day for me than Saturday. There was a call for bombers and after dusting off my Nemesis I joined the fleet. After waiting for a while we had about 25 bombers ready to go, all of us with scorch bombs.
Okay, let’s do this!”

We got bridged about 62 jumps from our starting point, in order to get perched around a POS. I couldn’t help but tip my hat towards the FC for making two perches for each squad. Each perch giving another angle of attack.
“Sitting here, waiting, anticipating”

According to intel there was a fleet was going to come into the system soon..Ish.. So we waited for their cyno to light up, ready to shower them with fire, just to show our appreciation.

It took a while but they eventually got there, which meant that the party could start for us. We did a warp bombing run. Something I have never done before (but hey that’s not saying much). 
What this means is that we aligned to the target, and then we got a squad warp about 30km off, when landing you de-cloak and drop your bomb, after which you get the hell out of there.
It was fun, on the first run I killed an Eos and got a few extra kills on my board. But the second run they were prepared. A Sabre bubbled up and silly me had an afterburner instead of MWD, so I got killed rather quickly.

But it was enjoyable and that’s what mattered. We all brought bombs for 4 runs, so 2 more to go. I saw a few other kills and some of the other bombers dying.
But in the end, operation success.
“I hope I survive this!”
I warped to one of the stations and then noticed a few other ships for sale in another one of the stations. I should have known better than to warp there, but I didn’t.

So I lost a capsule and an Impairor, no big deal, it was an instant ride home and I could grab some coffee while figuring out what to do next.

What I was going to do next involved going to Jita on my industry and buying a few implants.
I have a bunch of jump clones around, but wasn’t using any of them. I was flying in an empty clone because I live in Null. And getting podded is just a silly way to lose ISK.

So I bought +4’s, jumped into another empty clone and am currently parked in that one. I’ll be jumping back and forth from that one on days when I go out in Null. That’s mostly on the weekend so I can jump to him on a Friday and jump back on Sunday.

My other implant clones were sporting +3’s but that 1 extra gives a little more oomph.
Implants are handy to get a little bit of extra training done, so I’m going to use that. Should have thought about that 2 months ago.

Stay tuned o7

Radio silence, done, hopefully

I’ve had a busy week behind me. Haven’t been able to do much on EvE. My employer sent me on a Microsoft training (Hyper-V and System Center Virtual Machine Manager) and I’ve spent most of my free time playing around in my own server environment.

Next to that I decided to drastically change my complete home experience by going from Windows 7 to Windows 8. And I did that by formatting my computer, I made back-ups of my important files but everything else went *poof*.

Most of my Friday night was spent trying to figure out how Windows 8 works and downloading the EvE Client again. I also needed to reinstall EvEmon and after doing that I smacked myself in the head for not saving my plans. Good thing I wasn’t following them anyhow.

I’m sure this is something more people do, you create a whole plan in EvEmon for you to follow, you think along the lines of: “This is the path I’m going to go on” and then once it’s time to finally update your queue.. You don’t do it, you just put something else in there, making sure that all the time you spent figuring out the best way to train, was futile.

Or I could be the only one. My training is nowhere near as efficient as it could be, I don’t have my attributes set right, and I definitely don’t have a 1 year plan to use said attributes with. I should do it but the main problem I have is that I have absolutely no idea what I want my characters to train. I just swing it and do something I might enjoy.

For example; because I have no idea what to train on my industry alt, I am currently training her to be able to fly an Ishtar, which would take about 38 days before she can even get in one. She has absolutely no combat skills whatsoever and I just decided to start her on that path. Is it smart? Probably not. Do I know what I could do with her instead? Nope.

Today I’m going to be updating my manufacturing queues and buying some things I need to do that. I’ve already spent the last hour putting up sell orders, turns out I forgot to do that too *woops*.
Next to that, it’s a very sunny day, so I’m going to be taking my motorcycle out for a spin, and spend an hour or so afterwards to clean that beast.

The evening will be spent on a roam, I can finally fly interceptors so it’ll be fun to be finally able to keep up with the guys and not be caught in a bubble.

Fun times will be had. Or at least I hope so.

Stay tuned o7